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The First and Only Old Fashioned Ready to Drink Carbonated Mocktail or Cocktail Mix in a Can, Available at Festival Foods and Soon all of the Roundy/Kroger Locations Across Wisconsin, We Use Angostura Aromatic Bitters to Make it a True Wisconsin Old Fashioned

Welcome to our store, Due to Production Upgrade our Site is a bit Low on Stock, We Will Have it Full Soon

Some of our Labels

"SAVE the LAST SIP" it's a simple way to keep them in our hearts and minds

Submitting a Veteran for Sweet Old Fashioned Cans

When submitting a photo please include name, general information about them like, branch of service, Location of service, dates of service we could try to put unit on the can if there is room. Open to all veterans who have left us in peace or conflict. Their file will be put in the list and run in order of submission.  They will remain in the que until a request for removal from the list is submitted by you. When they are removed, they will cease to be included in new label runs.  A release form will be e-mailed to you, you will get a copy of the label emailed and you may order a four pack of your veteran. 

 Labels will not be printed until the next batch; this may take a little to a long amount of time and is solely due on demand and stock level of our distributor.
Please email a Photo and information to

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